Do you always look for discounted items whenever you do your grocery? Pinay moms are always delighted whenever they were being offered of items mostly household products that are of the same quality but for a much lower price.
I just found a website where you can find useful articles and tips that a pinay mom can definitely appreciate. And the best thing about it is that they are giving away product samples and they also reward their members of a month or even a year of product supplies just by writing product reviews! And all you need to do is to sign up to be a member. Isn't awesome?!
We all know that Procter and Gamble manufactures a lot of products that we use in our homes and it's so kind of them to think of practical ways to give back to their loyal consumers. Very glad to know that an established company still consider ways to reward and build connection with their consumers.
I just received my welcome kit after signing up for membership last July of this year, quite a long wait but I didn't mind, as a matter of fact I appreciate those who are taking the extra mile to make their consumers feel that they are being valued. And I can still use these coupons on my next grocery anyway.
So for those who wants to sign up for membership and get a lot of product samples all you need to do is to log on @ fill out the membership form and enjoy the freebies that you can get as their member.
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