A few more days to go and its the day that most kids are excited about because of the gifts that they will be receiving. For some mommies they will give whatever their child wishes to receive on Christmas, gadgets, mobile phones, laptop, etc. just to let their kids feel their love and care.
But before we hit the mall and buy those electronic gadgets for our kids let's consider first the advantages and disadvantages of these products to our children.
But before we hit the mall and buy those electronic gadgets for our kids let's consider first the advantages and disadvantages of these products to our children.
Advantages are:
- gadgets that can connect to the worldwide web can help our kids with their research works in school. Google, Bing and Yahoo can answer some questions that we cannot provide.
- kids that have direct access with the latest electronic gadgets doesn't have any difficulties with identifying or working with the latest technology.
- boosts their self confidence because they know that they have whatever their playmates or classmates have, we know the feeling of wishing to have the things that other kids have, we've been at the same situation at some point of our lives.
- kids that are exposed to the internet learns a lot of things compared to those that are not.
- effective way of communication especially for parents that needs to check on their kids every now and then.
- gadgets that can connect to the worldwide web can help our kids with their research works in school. Google, Bing and Yahoo can answer some questions that we cannot provide.
- kids that have direct access with the latest electronic gadgets doesn't have any difficulties with identifying or working with the latest technology.
- boosts their self confidence because they know that they have whatever their playmates or classmates have, we know the feeling of wishing to have the things that other kids have, we've been at the same situation at some point of our lives.
- kids that are exposed to the internet learns a lot of things compared to those that are not.
- effective way of communication especially for parents that needs to check on their kids every now and then.
- kids that are exposed to electronic gadgets spends more time playing video games and watching online instead of studying their lessons at home.
- prefers to play alone in their room instead of going out to play and socialize with other kids.
- studies already proved that kids that are often accessing the internet has a lot of tendency to be more violent than kids that are not.
- the bad side of kids learns a lot of information through the worldwide web is that they also learn things that are not meant for their age especially those that are not guided by their parents.
- social media like Facebook, instagram, twitter exposes them to not just the people that they personally know but also to strangers. Kids instinct when it comes to people with bad intentions are not that strong compared to adults.
- kids that are exposed to electronic gadgets spends more time playing video games and watching online instead of studying their lessons at home.
- prefers to play alone in their room instead of going out to play and socialize with other kids.
- studies already proved that kids that are often accessing the internet has a lot of tendency to be more violent than kids that are not.
- the bad side of kids learns a lot of information through the worldwide web is that they also learn things that are not meant for their age especially those that are not guided by their parents.
- social media like Facebook, instagram, twitter exposes them to not just the people that they personally know but also to strangers. Kids instinct when it comes to people with bad intentions are not that strong compared to adults.
Its not bad to always give our kids everything that can make them happy and feel loved, our role as parents is to make sure that they will grow up to be someone with values and to make them safe from any forms of danger. We sometimes need to weight things between what makes our kids happy and what can keep them away from harm or what will be the best for them. If there are things that we know that we cannot give them, let them understand the reason and try to give some option and compromise. I as a mother would rather see my kid cry the whole night because he/she wasn't able to watch the violent cartoons than to see him/her spank his/her younger siblings just because he/she thought it was cool.
I have four adorable kids, eldest is 12 y/o and my youngest is 2 y/o and I didn't regret that I didn't help them sign up on Facebook and with online video games. I'm happy and contented with the result, this is how I was raised, going to the library to read books and do researches. Playing outside with my brothers and sisters and play mates. The best thing about it? I have good childhood memories and was proud to be able to survive my younger years without the help of the gadgets that young generation cannot live without today.
I have four adorable kids, eldest is 12 y/o and my youngest is 2 y/o and I didn't regret that I didn't help them sign up on Facebook and with online video games. I'm happy and contented with the result, this is how I was raised, going to the library to read books and do researches. Playing outside with my brothers and sisters and play mates. The best thing about it? I have good childhood memories and was proud to be able to survive my younger years without the help of the gadgets that young generation cannot live without today.