Tuesday, October 13, 2015

EllemenTips For Dengue Prevention

 Every mother wants their children to be safe from any illnesses especially now that Dengue cases are arising. Its okay to worry but definitely not alright if you don't do anything to prevent it.

Aedes Aegypti are Dengue carrying mosquitoes that usually breeds inside our house and the peak hour that they bite is between 4pm to 6pm.

Aedes Albopictus are the mosquitoes that usually breeds outside the house. And they usually bite during daytime.

The best way to prevent dengue mosquito from breeding is to destroy their habitat. Anything that can stock water small or large amount should be disposed properly or should be sealed.

Avoid hanging clothes or anything that a mosquito can hide from. Especially in the dark spots of the house.

Always have insect repellant lotion handy. Check on the label about the # of hours that it can protect you from mosquito bites and re-apply when needed.

Wear clothes that can cover your skin from mosquito bites. Better to wear light colored clothes as dark colored clothes attracts mosquitoes according to recent studies.

Mosquitoes are sensitive in strong human odor or scent. Doesn't matter if you're smelling good or bad, they know that you're around if they can smell you and will make you their next target.

No other medicine that you should take for fever but Paracetamol as it is the safest medicine for dengue fever (to control the body's temperature but not to treat dengue infection directly) If you have allergy better call your doctor but never ever take Ibuprofen. Consult your doctor if its the 2nd day of fever.
Remember that there's no medicine yet to cure dengue virus, and according to the latest studies there are already four strains of dengue (actually five but the study about the fifth is not yet finalized).
For those who had the infection (dengue) before be extra careful not to acquire the virus again as it will be more risky especially to the adults.

For patients that were diagnosed to have the virus, make sure that no more mosquito can bite from your skin as this is the most common way that the mosquito can transmit the virus to their victims. It cannot be spread by direct contact to a person.

And the most important is to make sure that our surroundings are clean and mosquito free. Nobody has discovered the cure yet but we all know the ways to prevent it.


  1. What ever you are doing is nice...
    Creating a n awarnes is important as this dengue is sooo dangerous and there are many victims these days...

    1. I appreciate the kind words. Please feel free to drop topics that you want me to write about. Have a great day!


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